His Truth Ministries


Questions handout for Lesson 4


Pro: 3:12 The Lord disciplines those He loves

1.  Read: 2 Ch 7:19-22

a.  What is the most important commandment God gave the Israelites?

b.  What does God say He would do if the people didn’t obey Him?

c.  Did God keep His word?  Explain

2. Read Is 5:1-7 in which God compares Himself to a farmer and Israel to a


a. Why does God say the House of Israel is like bad grapes?  What was God

     looking for?  What did He get?

b.  What did He say He would do to the vineyard?

3. Read Is. 5:18-19

a.  With whom is God upset?

b.  Why would God be so upset with these people?

4.Read Mt.7:15-23. How are the people in Isaiah 5:18-19 like the people in Matt.


5. Read Is. 5:20-25

        a. With whom is the Lord upset here?

        b.  What are some of the evils people today call good?

6. Read Mt. 12:30-32 and  Heb.10:26-31  

        a. Under the new covenant, our sins are forgiven, except under what


        b.  Why must God punish those who do these things?

7.  In what ways has God’s disciple helped you?