His Truth Ministries


Questions handout for Lesson 12

To Bring About God’s Plan

Proverbs 16: 9  The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps

1.  READ: Ruth (all 4 chapters) If you see the outline of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind, state it here.  If you can’t, just think about it.  We will discuss it in class.  

2.  READ:  Deu. 30:1-10, Neh 1:8-9, Mic. 2:12, Zeph. 3:18-20, Zech. 10:6010.

         a. Why can these prophecies not apply to the church?  

b.  What part of these prophecies have already happened?

c.  What part remains?

3.  READ Gen. 29:1-30:3

         a.  Describe what happened.

         b.  Describe how Leah felt

         c.  Describe how Rachel felt

4.  READ: Gen. 37:17-28, 45:4-7.  

         a.  Would Joseph have been justified in taking his revenge? Why/why not?

         b.  Why is Joseph not consumed by bitterness as his mother and aunt
