His Truth Ministries


Questions handout for Lesson 11

As a Sign of the End Times

Rev. 21:7  He who overcomes shall inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

1.  Distinguish between prophecy and foreshadowing.  

2.a. List the prophecies of Gen 12:2-3, 14-17 and 15:5, 13-14.

b.  Describe how they were fulfilled.

3. a.  Describe the prophecies of  Deu.29:16-30:10

3.b.  Which of these prophecies have been fulfilled?  Which have yet to be fulfilled?

4.  Joseph, Moses, and David are all Christ types, foreshadowing of Jesus.  Pick one, read about him and describe how he was a Christ type and how he fell short.

5. Read Mt. 24:3-30, Mark 13:3-26, Luke 21:5-28.

a.  List the common elements that will signal the Lord’s imminent return.

5.b. Are we in the end times?  Back up your answer with current events and scripture.

6.  Jesus said no one but the Father knows when Jesus will return. (Mk. 13:32) Read Mt. 24:3-31.  How does Jesus’ warning affect you?