His Truth Ministries

His Truth in Life  (9)

Relationships (New)

                Our relationships with family and friends is no different than our relationship with God.  He speaks to us through the Bible.  We speak to Him in our thoughts and prayers.  His word is always there.  The Holy Spirit is within us and is ever present to give us His fruits.  We need only ask. (Matt. 7:7, Lk. 11.0, Jn. 16:24) Let God speak to you.  Spend time reading the Bible, meditating on it, praying.  Words of the Bible will lift you up, encourage you and let you know when you've done or said or thought something wrong. You will feel His closeness.  After all, He promised never to leave us or forsake us.(Matt. 28:20 and several times in the Old Testament) Our relationship with God is the most important relationship of them all.  (His Truth in Life)

God Eternal and Omniscient

I awoke this morning pondering God and what it means that He is all knowing and eternal.  It is beyond our comprehension.  ALL knowing.  Not only all knowing for the moment, but from the before there was time until after it is all over.  It is impossible for me to grasp being all knowing even for a moment.  Ever see a sheet with "Where's Waldo"?  A bizillion people and you have to pick out Waldo. God not only knows every person individually on the planet (there are over 6 billion of us now) and every person who has ever lived and every person yet to be born, He knows our thoughts before we think them.  He knows the hairs on our head, each one individually. As David wrote in Psalm 139:6,  for me to know God as we do though His word is too wonderful for me.  No wonder so many people choose not to believe.  Our minds cannot fathom even those two attributes.  Add to that that God would come down as a human to be a perfect sacrifice to pay for our shortcomings, impossible to understand, to grasp. In their hubris the nonbelievers will not  accept what they cannot understand, as if God should be accountable to us to make Himself comprehensible.  I am just thankful and awed that He would inspire the writers of the Bible to show us as much of Himself as He has and for the faith I have to believe. (His Truth in Life)

God Eternal and Omniscient

I awoke this morning pondering God and what it means that He is all knowing and eternal.  It is beyond our comprehension.  ALL knowing.  Not only all knowing for the moment, but from the before there was time until after it is all over.  It is impossible for me to grasp being all knowing even for a moment.  Ever see a sheet with "Where's Waldo"?  A bizillion people and you have to pick out Waldo. God not only knows every person individually on the planet (there are over 6 billion of us now) and every person who has ever lived and every person yet to be born, He knows our thoughts before we think them.  He knows the hairs on our head, each one individually. As David wrote in Psalm 139:6,  for me to know God as we do though His word is too wonderful for me.  No wonder so many people choose not to believe.  Our minds cannot fathom even those two attributes.  Add to that that God would come down as a human to be a perfect sacrifice to pay for our shortcomings, impossible to understand, to grasp. In their hubris the nonbelievers will not  accept what they cannot understand, as if God should be accountable to us to make Himself comprehensible.  I am just thankful and awed that He would inspire the writers of the Bible to show us as much of Himself as He has and for the faith I have to believe. (His Truth in Life)

Midst Bad News

We are so thankful, so blessed to be here where we can worship freely, as long as it is not in public, to have our health, to have the peace and joy we have.  The news is all so depressing, despicable behavior in here US of A,  wars, earthquakes, starvation, disease, pirates all over the globe.  The newspaper reads like one of the espionage novels we get from the library.  And, like a book, the bad news hasn't touched us personally.  Amazing how blessed we all are.  We have to remember that. (His Truth in Life)

Temporary vs. Eternal

Sometimes it feels like I'm treading water other times it feels like I'm running in circles.  It seems like everything I do must be done again.  Do the laundry, turn around and the basket is full again.  Clean the house, turn around and it needs to be done again.  Cook a nice dinner, trim the bushes, grocery shop, etc.  Even things that take long between.  During the week we refinished a bench/cabinet by the pool.  It looks beautiful now, like new.  I remember doing it  at least once in Tucson and soon after we moved here 4.5 years ago.  The atrium needs to be done again too.   And our '99 cadillac will need to be replaced - after we've finished paying for the sailboat engine.  Everything wears out, gets used up, leaves or dies.

Everything has it's season.  Only things pertaining to God are  forever.  His salvation is once and forever.  His love is forever.  When He says He'll never leave us, He means NEVER.   God is not like family and friends whom we can't cling to.  They leave, they die.   He is with us and in us  24/7, forever.   If the temporary things of this world get you down, like your strength, or endurance, or money, relationships, think about the things eternal.  Remembering this life is not all there is to it sure makes this life and it's disappointments easier to take in stride.  God's love and  peace, a peace that surpasses understandings, and joy.  May your days be filled with these. (His Truth in Life)