His Truth Ministries

His Truth in Life  (8)

With Me?  Without Me

    One of my favorite movies is "Knight and Day".  In it first the lead says to the lady and later the lady says to the lead as each first puts his hand high and says, "With me", then puts his hand low and says, "Without me."  Jesus is saying that to us.  "With Me?"  Despite any illness or travail, we will be on a plane above the pain or travail. "Without me."  There is only loneliness, fear, pain and despair. But we must know what He commanded and promised to make such a decision.  Read your Bibles, go to Bible studies, listen to sermons. 

Show We Love Him

For those who know the music to "My Fair Lady", the Lord is singing to you, "Don't talk of stars burning above. If you're in love, SHOW ME!  Don't talk of dreams filled with desire. If you're on fire, SHOW ME!"  Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved Him.  When Peter said that he did, Jesus always responded telling Peter to take care of His people, his lambs and sheep.  (Jn 21:15-17) Love is an action word, not just an emotion. We show we love Him by letting the Holy Spirit shine through  and guide us.  Others see the fruits of the Spirit: love, peace, joy, patience, kindness goodness, gentleness and self control.  Look around: A kind word to someone can change that person's day. , Perhaps you will see something you can do for someone you would like him/her to do for you if you were in that situation.  The person(s) and work may be within you family or workplace, or people you encounter in your going about.  Many of you know of what I am writing.  You already are guided by the Spirit and know the work He has for you.  I hope, like me, you feel awed and amazed He has chosen YOU to do that work.

Joy in God's Creation

We had taken the small boat my Sweetheart made up the Loxahatchee River to Trapper Nelson's. Looking around at Trapper Nelson's, I said to folks walking by our picnic table, "We are so blessed to be here." The woman, startled, asked, "Were you the people who fell overboard?" "No.  I just feel so thankful to be able to be here.  Everything is so beautiful."  She just threw it off an laughed with "Oh, that". 

I wish I could impart the humble  joy I feel, especially when I see things man didn't create:  the sunshine, the ocean, the mountains around Tucson and the west that we used to drive through and  hike, this jungle on the river, the animals in the wild (Did you know we used to see coyotes and javelynas -They look like a variety of pig- when we walked in our neighborhood inTucson?  Now we see egrets and osprey and alligators.).   Such beauty and man gets no credit.  

I feel so sorry for all who don't live with a grateful heart.  Even our physical ability to be here.   She just said, "Oh that."  You know me and songs, "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. " I hope you do too, every day.

A Day of Rest

I am SO thankful God gave us a Sabbath!  With all there has been to do, we just stopped Saturday.  Although nine times in the Old Testament, God refers to the  seventh day of the week, Saturday, when He ties blessings to remembering and keeping the Sabbath, the Holy Spirit through Paul told us in the New Testament whatever day we celebrate is okay.  (Rom. 14:5-6) We spent the day on the lounges at the Gaughan Resort and cooled off in the pool.  

I've been so reminded of a conversation I had with Will when he was in high school.  He was stressed when I suggested he pay me a nickel for every hour he'd played computer sports.  To his complaints I replied, "That's why God gave us a Sabbath.  We are supposed to work 6 days a week."  He was unimpressed.  What turned him around was when I told him that working hard and doing one's best in all things was not for us or even himself.  I asked him if God would say, "Well done, good and faithful servant?  That it was between himself and God.  Only he knew if he was doing his best for Him who died for him.  Yet, the truth of that does not take away from the gift of a celebrating a Sabbath.  God knew that if we work 24/7 we will wear ourselves into a frazzle.  Even me, The Energizer Bunny, cannot go at this pace every day.  So am thankful for the rest whatever day you take it!