His Truth Ministries

His Truth in Life  (5)

Ready for His Return

The so called news programs, whether liberal or conservative, are opinion shows. The newspapers and news on the internet are the same.  When you do learn what is going on in the world, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and here (I won't go into that), it is so easy to get discouraged, just as all of us were after 3-4 days of rain. Yet, the SON might come  tomorrow.  He will return any day.  We know that because the only source of truth is the Bible and Jesus tells us over an over He will return and we are to be ready. (Matt. 24:36-44, 25:1-13, Luke:35-40).  We are in a time of nasty weather and nasty news.  Are you ready for the Son?

On Parenting

 Obama's book, Dreams of my Father, echo my thoughts on parenting and leadership.  From what I learned of Obama's mother, he echoed her feelings about western civilization. If you read it, you will find that President Obama is very much a product of his parents.  My second book, Building Trust, is about our heavenly Father and how we can and should mirror His being a parent to us.   Our earthly parents may be or have been well meaning and sincere, but they may still not be people we should follow.  If we fill our children with distrust and anger and "blame the other guy", we are not mirroring God.  God focuses on us individually, teaches us to look to Him and ourselves for the answers to our problems and to teach our children to do the same. So my prayer for all those in leadership positions in our country, whether in politics, education, military, clergy, in business, or parents, for God to show each of us our own sin and for Him to give us His wisdom, as found in the Bible, in our leadership positions.  Parents have the greatest responsibility because they are charged with influencing their children all their lives.

Women's Rights

It is no surprise to me the the Arab world does not seem to have a concept of women's rights.  They do not know our Bible or God.  He is the author of women's rights. Do we even appreciate the radical direction God led us in Numbers 27:1-11?  In these verses, they are nearing the promised land.  Because of their rebellion against God, He had said none of the men born in Egypt, except Joshua and Caleb, would enter. The land that would have gone to the men who represented the 12 tribes would be given to their sons.  The land was the inheritance promised to Jacob's sons. The daughters of a man who had died did not take part in the rebellion themselves.  They had no brother, who would have inherited the land.  They came to Moses.  All thinking at that time, and in the Arab world today, said that women could not inherit or own land.  Moses asked the Lord.  He said the daughters were right that if they could not inherit the land, their father's branch would not be represented. God told Moses that if a man dies without a son, his daughters would inherit the land. The Lord follows with what to do if the man had no children at all.  Women owning property.  We take that for granted here.  It is literally a God given right.

What People See

We took a cruise. On the boat were both passengers and crew from all over the world,  When in a mix like that, everything we say and do represents America.   And just a few people can color people's idea of what Americans are like.  No wonder they hate us.  I couldn't believe the loud rudeness and whining from Americans, "That was too far, too long, too short, too crowded, too loud, too cold, too hot, you name it.  And others noticed.  I talked to people from  other countries at tables near us and folks on lounges near us, folks from around the world.  One said she couldn't understand, "It's always the Americans you hear grousing.  These Americans have so much, but they never stop wanting more or complaining."   We need to look at ourselves.  Ask yourself, "Am I a complainer?  Am I always looking for something more, or am I content with what I have?  We in the US are so very blessed.  And we Christians have such much more.  Do we walk around appreciating what we have or are we grousing about what we don't? 

When we are within the US, we represent other groups, all men, all women, our race, and most of all, our faith.  We are out and about all the time.  What do others see when they see me, when they see you?  Someone with the the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22)a person who is at peace, who is patient, kind, good, etc.? We are to be conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29).  Do they see Christ in me? In you? Something enduring to think about.