His Truth Ministries


LESSON 2: Chapters 1-2

1. (Read 2Ch 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-2).  In these first verses, we are told that all that follows is because God is faithful to His word.  In this case, the word He spoke to Jeremiah. (Read Jer. 25:1-12 and Jer. 29:10) (The first Babylonian exile took place in B.C.605, 70 years before Cyrus’ declaration. The promise through Jeremiah was made in B.C. 601).  God is a promise keeper.  What is one promise for your life He has kept?  What is one promise you are waiting for Him to keep?

2. Cyrus was the Persian pagan king who overthrew Babylon in 539.  What is remarkable about his declaration?

3.  (Read 1:3) The exiles had, at Jeremiah’s instruction, made lives for themselves in Babylon for 70 years.  They did not have a hard life there as they had in Egypt. Now they were told they could go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.  What would have been some of the arguments for and against leaving Babylon for Jerusalem?

            a) Would you have gone back?  Discuss.

4. (Read 1:4-8) How is this like the exodus from Egypt ?(Read Ex. 12:33-36) How is it different?

            a. What is the difference in God’s role between the two exoduses?  What is the difference in the people’s situation?

            b.  What were the differences in the Pharoah’s and in Cyrus’ hearts?  A teachable     heart is open to God’s leading.  What have you asked God to teach you?   How has He answered those prayers?  (Share if you are comfortable)

5.  (Read. 1:9-2:70) Many people find these details tedious.  Why do you believe God     included these lists in the Scriptures?