His Truth Ministries

SIXTH TRUTH: God will use what means He will to bring people to Himself. 

GOD’S HAND IN THIS CHAPTER:  He saved the Jews, turned their hearts to Him in their plight, and brought to faith many others as well.

Chapter 9:  Summary

Read vs. 1. 

-Jews routed their enemies who would have destroyed them.

v.3 Even all the princes and governors helped because they were afraid of Mordecai’s new power.

-In the provinces they killed 75,000But took no plunder.

-It was made official to be celebrated on the 14th and 15th of Adar throughout the generations. Vs. 27.  Notice, it is not God who set it aside!

GOD’S HAND IN THIS CHAPTER:  Without God’s help, even with a year to prepare, they were horribly outnumbered and they would have been destroyed.  God gave those in authority the fear of Mordecai.

Chapter 10:  Like Daniel earlier in the captivity, Mordecai became number 2 man in the Kingdom.  Again, the king saw the qualities in the man who turned to God, that could be trusted.

SEVENTH TRUTH :  God will prepare the people He chooses to lead.

DISCUSSION of the seven truths.

FIRST TRUTH: God is in Control.  His hand is in all things

SECOND TRUTH: Beauty on the inside is what counts

THIRD TRUTH:  Obedience to God and our husbands is important.

FOURTH TRUTH: Fasting adds power to prayer.

FIFTH TRUTH:  God must give us the patience to see His plan fulfilled.  In HIS time, not ours

SIXTH TRUTH: God will use what means He will to bring people to Himself. 

SEVENTH TRUTH :  God will prepare the people He chooses to lead.

Eternal Truths in Esther - The Joy of Purim

6th and 7th Truths