Week 1 Chapter 1
Before we start, be prepared for John’s repetition of basic tenets of the faith.
-To be saved we must believe Christ was God come as man to die to pay the
penalty for our fallen nature.
-As a saved person, we have been adopted into the family of God.
-As a saved person we are to be different. We are to think, look, speak,
behave different from the world and from the way we were before we came to faith.
-This change and difference is the evidence of our salvation.
-If we continue to live in step with the world, we are not saved.
The Person of John
Ch. 1 verse 1 says John was with Jesus from the beginning.
Verses 1-2 John establishes his right to speak about what he knows of Christ, “The Word of Life”.
-He was with Jesus from the beginning of Christ’s ministry. (Jn 15:27) “You will
testify about me also because you have been with me from the beginning.”
-They have seen and bear witness.
-The witness: eternal life.
Read Matt. 4 18-22. This is the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. John was with Jesus from the beginning.
Some of the things John beheld:
Jesus Healing:
Demons cast out. Mark Ch 1:21-2:11, Luke 4:31-37
Peter’s mother in law healed. Mark 1:29-31, Matt. 8:14-17, Luke 4:38-39
Many others healed 1:32-34. Mark 1:32-34, Matt. 8:16-17, Luke 4:40-44
Leper cleansed Mark 1:40-42, Matt. 8:1-4, Luke 5:12-16
Paralytic healed. Mark 2:3-12, Matt. 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26
Mount of Transfiguration, described in Matt. 17:3-4, Mark 9:4-5 and Luke 9:30-33. Matthew’s and Mark’s accounts are identical. Luke adds a couple of things. All three had to be told, since none were there. It is not described in the book of John. Why do you think that is?
Christ was with the Father and “was manifest to us.” Christ came as a person they they could see, touch and know and through Christ know our Father.
(Read Jn 8:13-19, 23-27)
Verses 3
Fellowship. Our fellowship with God and with each other is because of our faith in the truth of the Gospel, that Christ’s blood cleanses us from all sin. This was Christ’s prayer. Read Jn 17: 21-23
Christ prays we will be one in unity, unity with God and with each other. That is beyond mere fellowship.
God through Paul affirms this. Fellowship: Read 1Cor 1:9 and Unity: 1Cor 1:10.
Verse 4
Their coming to faith and being in fellowship will make John’s joy complete, even as our fellowship with God and with each other makes Christ’s joy complete. Read Jn. 17:8-11.
Verse 5 God is light
Read Jn 1:4-5, 8:12
We cannot walk in darkness and say we have fellowship with each other or God.
Read Matt. 6:22-23
Verse 7 Repeats our being able to be in fellowship with both God and each other is dependent in our walk with the Lord It adds the Gospel, that “the blood of Jesus, His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
Verses 8-10 Sin
Verse 8 is restating what God has repeatedly told us. Read Ps. 14:3, Is. 64:6 and Rom. 8:23
Verse 9 This great promise frees us completely, This is what the gospel is all about but it is dependent on our acknowledgement of our sin and confession.
Verse 10 Make Him to be a liar Read PS. 103:2-3, 12.
Week 1 for Week 2
Chapter 1
1.vs. 3 Discuss the difference in relationships between you and friends and family who are and who are not saved.
2. Evidence of that Faith is how we live (vs.6-7) What evidence do you show to non-believers as a witness of your faith?
3. Vs. 7. says we are to walk in the light. Read. Jn. 8:12. What does that mean to you to be walking in the light? How can we tell if someone is walking in the dark? What does walking in the dark look like?
4. Christ’s blood has cleansed us. If He has forgiven you, who is your accuser? When you remember your sins, how do you react?
5. Do you know anyone who thinks they don’t sin? Have you ever asked them about it? What reasons do they give? What do you say to people who compare their good deeds to their bad or themselves to other people?