His Truth Ministries


Questions handout for Lesson 5

1.  Read: Ex, 2:23-25 and 3:7-10.  This was 400 years since Joseph.  (See Gen. 15:13) Why is their turning to God remarkable?  What advantage do we have that they didn’t?

2.  Read Jdg 3:8-9, 4:1-3 and 6:1-11.  What is the pattern in each of these passages?  What does it tell you about our own tendencies?  What does it tell you about God?

3.  Read Jdg 10”6-16.  What are the differences between this and the previous 3 passages?

4. Read Mt. 7:7-11 What is Jesus saying?  Is this anything new?

5. Read 2CO 12:7-10.  

a.  Why would Paul have become conceited?  

b.  What has Paul learned from His suffering?  

The second part of this lesson is that through our suffering, our faith will be strengthened.

6.  Read Jas 1:2-4.  

         a.  In what are we to persevere?

         b.  How will suffering develop perseverance in us?

         DON’T GIVE UP!