His Truth Ministries


Lesson 1 - On Suffering and to Teach Us About Himself

Memory Verses:

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything and a time for every activity under heaven.

 People of all ages have cried out, "Why, God?" It is a question that echoes through all generations. When I asked God why He lets people suffer, He told me to go read His book, that I would find the answers there. The Bible gives us twelve reasons why God lets us suffer. This book explores God’s word and illustrates many of these reasons with examples from our lives as well examples from the Bible. You will see how others can be brought to faith through our suffering and how and why we suffer not only for our own poor judgment and sin, but because of others’ sins as well. These are but a few of the reasons His word tells us that we suffer. Through it’s pages we learn of God, learn about ourselves, and learn to grow in the trust necessary to face every circumstance of our lives.


Memory Verse: Job 40:8 Will you condemn me that you may be justified?

Discussion Questions for Lesson 2 - To Teach Us About Himself

1.  Have you ever encountered someone you considered to be suffering, who did not agree?  Have you ever felt you were suffering when someone else made light of it?  What is suffering to you?

2.  If God has appointed the time for everything (Ecc. 3:1-8) and God causes all things to work together for good (Rom. 8:28), does this mean God controls everything?  Do we have a free will?

3.  Look back in your life to a time you suffered.  What did you learn about God in time?