His Truth Ministries

Haggai: Lesson 2

Background:  Geography around Jerusalem:  

            - Hill country

            - Terraced with trees and crops, principally olives for food, ointment, anointing,

               the eternal light, grapes for wine and food, grain food

1.  Read Haggai 1:8-11. Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God.  Here we see that nothing we do will work if we don’t.  God’s directions to the people are very specific.  When the people were too discouraged or afraid they turned to their own lives.  How did God react to this?

2.  So often we go through the day on autopilot, not considering the eternal perspective of what we do.  We have control over our thoughts and words and behavior.  There are consequences to putting or not putting, God first.  Our spiritual lives have direct impact on our daily living.  Give examples of how your spiritual life is reflected in your daily living.

3. We live in an age of “blame game”.  God has none of that.  He gave them a task and they were not at it.  God has given us a task, two actually, you love Him with all of our hearts, minds, strength and souls, and to love one another as His loved us.  We will go forth and spread the gospel as a result of our love.  We will care for those hurting because of our love, etc. What excuses to people, do you, give for not doing the work God has commanded?

4.  Read Haggai 1:12.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Ps. 111:10)  Give examples of why the remnant might have feared the Lord.  Why should Americans fear the Lord? Should believers fear the Lord? Discuss.

5.  Is there a difference between obedience because of fear and obedience because of love?  Which does God want?  How do you know?

6.  Read Haggai 1:13.  Only after the remnant were willing to obey did God tell them, “I am with you.”  What does that tell you about the importance of the willingness to obey?

7. Read Haggai 1:14-15.  We have The Holy Spirit to stir our spirits.  He stirs us up to work for Him.  Relate a time the Spirit enabled you to do something you didn’t think you could or would.