His Truth Ministries

God Bless You Ministry

    The newest of my ministries is to bless people as they are working, anywhere, anytime.  I hope my experience inspires you to try it because it brings me and countless others such joy.  It takes no preparation, no time, only a heart open to people.

    Once we leave our homes, we are surrounded by people who are working. At home, the postman/woman, the garbage collector, the workmen who are working on neighbor’s homes all can be blessed. They all need for God to keep them safe on the roads. They have families whom I bless.  I walk up, look them in the eye and say something like, “Thank you for the work you do. May God keep you safe on the road.  May He bless you and your family this year.”

    From these workers, the reactions I have gotten when I’ve walked up and blessed them range from mere delighted surprise to astonishment, thanksgiving and joy.

    At the store, or for those of you who work outside the home, again I encounter people working.   When I would not be holding up a line, I take the time to add that God wants them to know He is watching over them and that He loves them.  The words water their souls.

    Rarely, the response is a sickly smile and an off handed, “Whatever.”  Usually everything about the worker changes. Their faces break out in a smile. A light comes in their eyes.  They stand straighter and breathe deeper.  One never comes to work expecting to hear the words, “May God bless you today,” said with all sincerity. 

    What these words do is, for a moment, get their minds off whatever has been their focus or burden and onto God and His presence and love.

    My Sweetheart, my husband, stands aside watching and can attest to the response.  In places I go often or with people I see for more than a moment, like my doctors, they start smiling when they see me coming and notice when I have not been there for a while.  They know I will bless them and remind them of God’s love. 

    The best part is that for everyone except my doctors I am anonymous.  Places others must show their IDs, like in using a credit card or entering Costco, I just smile and bless the person checking. They don’t know anything about me except that I belong to God. It is amazing and wonderful. I am just the messenger. 

    In our world today, it is so easy to be downhearted.  There are wars, famines, floods, and the evil affect of pride is everywhere.  Yet, all the world isn’t bad.  There are people all around me and all around you, who rise up and blossom when they are just reminded that God is there and God is here.  Their joy brings me joy.

    Try it yourself. Be God’s messenger.