His Truth Ministries


LESSON 7: Ezra 8

1.  (Read 8:1-14) As you read these names, many are familiar for there are three other books by men with these names. Remember, names were used over and over.  For example, there are no less than 29 different men named Zechariah in the Bible.  Who are the three names? What traditions are in your family, culture about repeating names?

2.  (Read 8:15-20) Ezra was thankful when God brought Sherebiah and his sons and brothers and of the others. What was so special about these men? We Christians are God’s hands.  He brings us into the lives of others to help them, just as He brings just the people into our lives when we need help. Relate a time when God brought someone into your life when you needed help.

3.  (Read 8:21-23) Ezra declare a fast for all the adults, for them to humble themselves in seeking God for safety in their travels.  What is the purpose of fasting?  Do you ever fast and pray?  (Read: Matt. 6:16-17, in NKJ or NASB also Matt. 17:21)  Should fasting be part of a Christian’s prayer life?  If you think we should, when should our people fast?

4.  (Read 8:24-30) Most people feel that accepting your tithes is a sacred trust, as Pastor Mark reminds us each Sunday. Accepting prayer requests and offering to pray for people is also a sacred trust. Our pastors and church leaders and their families need our prayers.  Commit yourself to pray for one of the pastors or leaders and their families in your church every day for a month.  Write here who it is. Keep a journal.

5.  (Read 8:31) There were ambushes, raiders. You can imagine, they had planned their route carefully. They had fasted and prayed.  Yet, they still had to fight. God enabled them to arrive safely. Their enemies were physical.  Who are your enemies today?  How can you plan for attack? What does it take on your part?  What help will the Lord be?

6. (Read 8:32-36) Being good stewards means accountability for all that God has blessed us.  List here the ten blessings for which you are most thankful.  In what way are you a steward of them?