His Truth Ministries


LESSON 6: Ezra 7

            The exiles returned to Jerusalem in three waves. The first 6 chapters of Ezra are about the first return of exiles with Zerubbabel when Cyrus was king of Persia.  It tells about the opposition under Artaxerxes. It ends with the completion of the temple in 516 B.C. Chapters 7-10 involve Ezra directly and are about the second return. There were three Artaxerxes in Persian history.  It is unclear whether this is Artaxerxes I or II.  If it was Artaxerxes I, he would have had to change his mind from the time of Chapter 4.  The Artexerxes of Chapter 7 is more likely Artaxerxes II, since Darius’ time is between the Artaxerxes who stopped the work and the one mentioned in Chapter 7.

1.  (Read Ezra 7:1-10) Walls around cities were their main defense.  The temple was to be filed with much gold and, without walls, was open to plunder.  We, too, put up walls for our defense, usually as a result of being hurt.  What is the effect of personal walls?

            a.  Relate a time you have tried to break through someone else’s wall.

            b.  We are not to isolate ourselves as a result of hurt.  We are to be like David, (Read. 2Sam. 22:2, Ps. 18:2, Ps 28.7,8,).  Solomon wrote that the name of the Lord is a strong tower. (Pr. 18:10)  (Read John 15:18-21) How will His name protect you from future hurt?  Will they enable you to break down walls you may have put up to protect yourself?

2.  Lineage was very important then. Why is it significant the Ezra can trace his line back to Aaron?  Discuss the importance of lineage today, in the world? in the Christian church?  What importance do you put on Franklin Graham being the son of Billy, for example?

4.  (Read Ezra 7:11-26)  Artexerxes goes beyond the permission that Cyrus and Darius did.  He instructs Ezra to offer the proscribed sacrifices and to set up magistrates and judges.  Artexerxes is giving Ezra the freedom and the responsibility of governing.  Further, he instructs Ezra that the people must be held responsible for following the laws, of God and of the king.  Discuss the relationship between freedom and responsibility.

            a. What freedom does Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection give us?  What are our responsibilities as Christians for those freedoms?

5. (Read Ezra 7:27-28) Ezra gives thanks to God for all that has happened.  Discussed the differences between feeling what good happens to you is deserved, is a matter of luck, or is a result of God’s involvement.