His Truth Ministries

FOURTH TRUTH: Fasting adds power to prayer.

Servants tell Esther of her uncle’s behavior.  She tries to give Mordecai other clothes, he refuses.

Summarize vs. 5-14

-She has the eunuch the king has appointed to find out from her uncle what is going on.

-Mordecai gives him the report, including the exact amount Haman had promised to put in the King’s treasury to pay for the destruction of the Jews.  

-He implores her to go to the king and tell him.

-She is afraid, to go to the king when he has not asked o see her would mean her death unless he holds out his scepter to her.

-He tells her she wil not be spared.  She is a Jew.

GOD’S HAND IN THIS CHAPTER:  Read twice: v. 14.

NOTE: None of us is indispensable.  If we will not do God’s work, He will choose others.  God’s Will will be done.

-Esther tells him to have all the Jews in Susa fast and pray as will she and her maidens for 3 days and nights.

NOTE: When things get tough, we need to fast and pray for God’s guidance, God’s strength, God’s patience, and God’s help.

Chapter 5  Summarize

-Esther goes to the King and invites him and Haman to the first of two feasts.

-Haman is full of himself that he alone has been invited with the king to Esther’s feasts, but that is not enough to overcome his anger that Mordeccai still does not bow and tremble before him.  At the advice of his wife and friends, he builds a gallows 50 cubits high on which to hang Mordecai.

-During the first feast, he invites the king and Haman to a second feast.

Eternal Truths in Esther - The Joy of Purim

4th Truth