His Truth Ministries




OPENING: For what do you pray most often or most fervently?

Pass out Prayer Request Cards.  Fill them out and pass them two to the left.

ASSIGNMENT FOR WEEK 4:  Read Chapters 6-8


-Ch. 6: The chapter contains the Jewish confession of faith.  Verses 4-9 are to be recited twice a day. Within the chapter are again, reminders of God’s faithfulness and the Israelites’ repeated failures.  

-Ch. 7:  Here the Israelites are reminded of 1) God’s sovereignty in His choosing them 2) that, since God will fight for them, fear is an act of disobedience, a show of lack of faith, and 3) How they are to interact with those who worship other Gods.

-Ch. 8:  Another chapter of admonition to remember and to not forget the period from slavery until that moment.


1. Read Ch. 6, vs. 4-9.  Jesus said vs. 5 is the most important commandment.

a.  These verses command them (and us?) to do 6 things.  List them here.

b.  What does it mean to you to “bind them on your hands and on your foreheads”?

c.  How would keeping these commandments be for our own good?

2.  What kind of blessings did God promise in Chapter 6 if they were obedient?

Read John 14:15-21.  What does Jesus say about obedience?  What blessings does He promise if we obey what He commands?  How does this relate to not being under law?

3.  Time and again God reminds them of their former slavery and how he redeemed them.  What should be the effect on us of remembering what Christ did for us?

4.  Why does God say to destroy the people in the lands Gods is giving them?  Read 2Cor. 6:14-18, 10:3-4and James 4:4-10.  What is God saying to us through Paul and James about us and the world that surrounds us?

5.  In Chapter 8, God again reminds the Israelites how He provided for them.  He supplied all of their needs.  How has God supplied your needs?

6.  What is the warning in Ch. 8, vs. 10-18?  What evidence do you have in our world today that this warning is pertinent for us today too?

Introduction to Ch. 9-11: These chapters reiterate God’s faithfulness and power despite the Israelites’ unfaithfulness, because it is on the basis of Who God is and what He has done for them, He tells them what is required of them.

For Week 5 Discussion Questions, Chapters 9-11

1.  Read 9:4-5.  For what 2 reasons is God displacing the people of the lands He is giving the Israelites?  Why has God saved you?

2.  Read 9:22-23, Num. 11:1-3, Ex. 17:2-7, and Num. 11:31-34.  What is the one sin that is the source of their unrighteousness?  How is that sin manifested in us?  

3.  Read 9:26-29. What arguments does Moses use to convince God to not destroy all the Israelites?

4.  Why does God repeatedly tell the Israelites that despite their unrighteousness He chose them?  What difference should it make that they did not deserve it?  What difference does it make to you?  

5.  By what authority does God have the right to tell the Israelites what they can and cannot do?  Is it any different for us?

6.  God is not only our King and Savior, He is our role model.  Read 10:17-18.  What does God do that we should do, or not do, also?

7.  Read Num. 16:1-35.  What did God do to the sons of Eliab and why?  Read Acts 5:1-11.  Describe what happened?  These things do not typically happen today.  Are we still to fear the Lord? What reason do we today have to fear the Lord?

8.  In Chapter 11, what is the nature of the blessings God promises for those who obey?   Jesus said that if we love Him, we will obey Him. What promises did He make to us if we chose to love Him?