His Truth Ministries

A Glimpse of Blue

    I am so thankful for the truths I learn in unexpected moments.  I share them to strengthen you and brighten your day.

    If I am facing the sliding glass door in our bedroom when I awake, I can see a rectangle of sky. I am always happy when it is all blue. This morning, however, the patch was all grey. As I watched the clouds slowly move there was a break in the clouds, a small break through which shone a brilliant blue sky.  The clouds, of course, continued to move and the patch was covered.

    I thought of our faith.  Our world is so dark and getting darker, like the clouds.  Yet we, as Christians, do not hope there is something better, 

we KNOW there is that brilliant blue sky the evil of world can try to cover, but cannot diminish.  The Lord is there.  As certainly as the blue sky is not affected or diminished by the clouds, neither is He changed or diminished by the growing evil, self righteous hatred, blindness in the world.  And He is here, within us. Remember that He is God, eternal, all knowing, ever present, all powerful, unchanging, and always in control. He loves us beyond what we can imagine.  Can you imagine sending YOUR son to do what Jesus did for us? Can you imagine doing for us what Jesus did?  Or, as the Holy Spirit does, to live with/within people 24/7 to guide and teach and comfort and bless them with Your gifts and fruits?

    I guess, with the increasing vileness of this world and the individual pain I know we all have, I sometimes need to be reminded. So God sends me reminders, like the patch of blue midst the grey clouds this morning.

    May each of you dear friends, feel His love and His presence through these times. And may we all be humbled that the God who created the universe would come to earth as a BABY, to live amongst us, died to pay the price for our shortcomings, and rise again to show us our future.

Blessings abounding,
