His Truth Ministries


Week 3 Chapter 3

STUDY QUESTIONS Week 2 for Week 3

          1. People use 1John as a license to do whatever they want.  They may lie or steal or whatever, saying, “Hey, I’m covered.”  Summarize the argument the Bible uses to those people in Romans 6:1-2, 11-13 and 1Peter 2:24

          2.Jesus never tells us to obey.  It is a different Greek word.  He says “Keep my word.”  not “Obey.”  How does it make you feel when someone gives you something and tells you to keep it?  How do you feel when someone says you must obey?  What does it tell about our Savior, His word and us, that He tells us we are to keep His words. 

          3. Vs. 5-6 say we are to walk like Jesus.  How did He walk?  Fill in what the scripture tells us about Jesus. i.e.

    -John 11:32-35  He was compassionate.

    -Mark 2:25-26

    -Christ’s reaction to Peter: John 13:5-10, Matthew 26:39, John 12:14-15,     

     John 5:16-18

          4. How is pride manifest in the world? What things in addition to sex can be objects of lust?

          5. Why do you think people are lead astray by charlatans?  Why are cults successful in getting converts? Read 2Tim 4:3-4.

          6. What does abiding in Christ look like to the world? 

Chapter 3

Verse 1a: Our Father God has adopted us into His family. Read. John 1:12-13.

                Gal. 3:26.

Discussion:  Fatherhood is a huge responsibility.  Every father is to reflect to his children what God is like.  In human terms, what does this look like?

    1b. The world does not know us.  Read John 15:18-19

Verse 2  Our bodies will be changed. Read Phil. 3:20-21.  While we might imagine what Christ looked like as a man, we can only imagine what He and we will look like in Glory.  I am looking forward to it.

Verse 3-6  Again John exhorts us to live pure lives and reminds us of Christ’s purpose on earth.

Verses 7-15 John clarifies that is not a single sin but the practice of sinning. He does not mean the practice as in practice makes perfect.  He means habitual, as in “It is my practice to lock my car every time I leave it.”   We should be able to recognize such behavior.  Again Jesus warned us in John 15: 18-19 the world will hate us. One of the key things to look for, John says, is whether the person loves his fellow Christians.

    He uses an example “from the beginning,” of Cain and Abel, showing that although they may blood brothers, they are not spiritual brothers.  Spiritual bonds between us are to even stronger than blood.

Verses 16-18  Every time He uses the word, “Brother”, he uses a word that refers to loving others as though they were your real bothers.  He gives an example of having plenty and not helping someone we know needs help. Like the other writers of the epistles, he exhorts us to action, not just words. Read James 1:22-25.

Verses 19-24 Restates we if we are to abide in Christ, we need to believe and keep Christ’s commandments.  Read Matt. 26:36-40 and 1Thess. 5:11-22.

WEEK 3 Chapter 3

Study questions

1. Describe your experience with your own father.  Did he reflect our heavenly Father to you?  Whether or not you had such a father, what does it mean to you that God is your father?  

2. In what ways do you feel out of step with the world?

3.Read. Romans 8:29.  What does it mean to you to be conformed to the image of Christ?  What will the world see?  What does the world see now?

4. What are some of the things you do to show Christ’s image?

5.  If you have any unsaved family, is there some kind of barrier between you?  Are you closer to some Christians than them?