His Truth Ministries


Week 2 Chapter 2

STUDY QUESTIONS: Week 1 for Week 2

          1.vs. 3 Discuss the difference in relationships between you and friends and family who are and who are not saved.

          2. Evidence of that Faith is how we live (vs.6-7) What evidence do you show to non-believers as a witness of your faith?

          3. Vs. 7. says we are to walk in the light.  Read. Jn. 8:12. What does that mean to you to be walking in the light?  How can we tell if someone is walking in the dark?  What does walking in the dark look like?

          4. Christ’s blood has cleansed us.  If He has forgiven you, who is your accuser?  When you remember your sins, how do you react?

          5. Do you know anyone who thinks they don’t sin? Have you ever asked them about it?  What reasons do they give?  What do you say to people who compare their good deeds to their bad or themselves to other people?  

Chapter 2:1-2: Why John is writing to keep them and us from sinning. YET he assures us that if, and whenever, we do sin (and we all do) if we confess our sin, we have an advocate who already paid the penalty and we will be cleansed from all unrighteousness. DISCUSS: How is this blessed assurance, that we will be forgiven as long as we confess and turn from our sin keep us from sinning?

Verses 3-4 Obey what God has told us to do.  He has told us how we are to live, we are to obey, to keep His words. Read Jn. 8:51-52, Jn. 14:23-24, 15:10.  Jesus ties our salvation and all that God has promised, His presence, His peace, the Holy Spirit, to our obedience, to our keeping His word.

DISCUSSION: This sounds like we are saved BUT.... Does this mean we can lose our salvation? What should motivate us when we obey, especially when it is difficult? Do we obey out of fear or thanksgiving?

Verse 5 In Him. Read John 17:20-21.

Verse 6 The big word is “ought”.  That is, we should. Yet, it is important that John does not write, “Must.”  We do and will sin.  We are human.  To say we must walk like Christ does not allow for our being human and falling short sometimes.

Verse 7 “not a new commandment Read Ex 19:4-5, Deu. 27:8-9

Verse 8 Yet, there is a new commandment, faith in Jesus, who He is and what He did.

Verses 9-11 Despite having all the reasons in the world to hate those who persecuted HIm, Jesus died for them, and us.  He is our role model.  We cannot hate and be walking as Christ walked. 

Verses 12-14 His letter applies to everyone, regardless of age.

Verses 15-17 We are warned repeatedly to not love the world. Read Jn 17:15-16. Lust and pride are of the world. 

Verses 18-23 It can be confusing for people who once profess Christ and then deny Him. John says they were never truly a part of us.  Read:  Luke 8:4-15.  Again, John says he is writing to believers who do know the truth. 

Verses 24-27 Reminds the hearer/reader of what we know and to remember it, the promises Christ made, and the reminder we have the Holy Spirit, “His anointing” to help us learn and remember.

Verses 28-29 Over and over John exhorts us to abide in Christ and live a Christ like life. Read John 15:1-11.

WEEK 2 Chapter 2

Study questions

1. People use 1John as a license to do whatever they want.  They may lie or steal or whatever, saying, “Hey, I’m covered.”  Summarize the argument the Bible uses to those people in Romans 6:1-2, 11-13 and 1Peter 2:24

2.Jesus never tells us to obey.  It is a different Greek word.  He says “Keep my word.”  not “Obey.”  How does it make you feel when someone gives you something and tells you to keep it?  How do you feel when someone says you must obey?  What does it tell about our Savior, His word and us, that He tells us we are to keep His words.

3. Vs. 5-6 say we are to walk like Jesus.  How did He walk?  Fill in what the scripture tells us about Jesus. i.e. John 11:32-35  

    -He was compassionate. Mark 2:25-26

    -Christ’s reaction to Peter John 13:5-10, Matthew 26:39, John 12:14-15,


4. How is pride manifest in the world? What things in addition to sex can be objects of lust?

5. Why do you think people are lead astray by charlatans?  Why are cults successful in getting converts? Read 2Tim. 4:3-4

6. What does abiding in Christ look like to the world?